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Review: Red Planet![]() The basic plotline is that Earth is dying. Mars is humanity's last hope, so a terraforming project is initiated to make Mars habitable. Low grade nuclear weapons are detonated a the north pole of Mars to release the frozen carbon dioxide there into the air (which is actually plausible), which in turn will warm the planet through the greenhouse effect. Then, years later, probes loaded with algae are dropped on the planet, which will hopefully turn the CO2 into breathable oxygen. For reasons unknown, the oxygen levels drop, so a team is sent to Mars to investigate. Then things start falling apart. First: a brief look at the premise. The idea is that we need to make Mars more Earthlike. It is true that there is quite a bit of carbon dioxide locked up in the martian south polar cap (note that in the movie, they melted the north cap, which has less CO2). One study, done by Mars Society founder Robert Zubrin, estimates that by heating the south polar cap (using mirrors, not nukes!), it is possible to release enough CO2 to generate an atmospheric pressure of about 1/3 to 1/2 that of sea level here on Earth, and it may only take a few decades to do it ( the study is available online, but is a bit technical). There would also be a temperature increase as well, and it may be enough to exceed the freezing point of water. If this were done, it would warm enough and the air pressure high enough that a person on the surface would only need an oxygen mask, and not a full body pressure suit. So, assuming dropping nukes on the martian pole accomplishes this, the basic premise of the movie is indeed realistic, assuming that oxygen were substituted for CO2 (and that is explained in the movie). It would be colder than depicted in the movie, however, and exercise (like walking 100 kilometers, say) would be very difficult, since the air pressure would be low. Given these caveats, let's continue.
Bad: As the spaceship is inserting itself into Mars orbit, a ``gamma burst'' from the Sun fries almost all the main electronic equipment. Sparks and shorts erupt as Commander Bowman tries to correct the problem.
Good: The situation in real life is complicated. Usually, a large flare from the Sun is accompanied by a burst of high energy particles like protons. These impact spacecraft, building up a static charge, like when you shuffle your feet along a carpet on a dry day. Enough charge builds up, and zap! It discharges, shocking you. That discharge on a spacecraft can damage its computers. The particles from the Sun can travel as fast as 1/3 the speed of light, so you might have a few minutes warning after seeing the flash of light from the flare before the particles hit. This doesn't matter, really, since in the movie they said it was the gamma rays that did the damage. Anyway, the usual amount of damage from such flares is minor, amounting to local, not global, damage on a spacecraft. Also, for a burst to do that much damage to the ship means it would have more than enough energy to provide a lethal dose of radiation to the astronauts. Crashing on the planet would be the least of their worries! Incidentally, the commander's name, Bowman, is a clear tip of the hat to the movie ``2001: A Space Odyssey'', which also had a commander named Bowman.
Bad: When Bowman sees a fire, she uses a fire extinguisher to put it out. The force of the spray sends her flying backwards.
Bad: When the escape pod hits the ground, it bounces around, and eventually rolls off a cliff.
Good: The effects here were great, but I question the speed. Mars has a surface gravity of about 0.38 times Earth's, so the pod would bounce higher and fall slower (a reference to this is made later in the movie when the astronauts, um, vent some human liquid waste). Knowing the pod is about 4 or so meters across and using that to judge their speed on the movie screen, it looked like the pod fell too quickly. Also, the lower gravity may not have helped them much when the pod rolled off the cliff. Let's say the cliff was 100 meters high (and it looked higher than that to me). By the time they hit the bottom, they would be falling at a speed of about 30 meters per second, or as fast as a car drives on a highway. Even with the airbags, it's hard to believe they could survive that sort of beating. People do survive car crashes at that speed, of course, but they usually don't walk away from them!
![]() As they leave the pod, we see the astronauts silhouetted against Mars' pinkish-orange sky.
According to the ``official''
NASA Mars website, the sky of Mars is butterscotch. On Earth,
our sky is blue
due to the scattering of sunlight by nitrogen molecules in the air.
On Mars, there is fine dust suspended in the air, which both scatters and
absorbs sunlight. This is more complicated than what happens here on Earth,
and the result is the creamy yellowish color. This was the color seen
by both the older Viking probes and the more recent Pathfinder lander,
as you can see from the picture of the martian landscape from
Pathfinder below.
Good: This is just good: Commander Bowman sends a message off to Earth, and says, ``Too bad I have to wait 40 minutes for an answer''. Earlier in the movie they say they have traveled 309 million kilometers. Assuming that's the distance from Earth to Mars (since they traveled on a curved path, the actual travel distance is greater than that) then it will take light about 17 minutes at 300,000 kilometers per second to get to Earth. Then the folks at NASA answer, and it takes another 17 minutes to get back to her. So 40 minutes is a pretty good estimate of the round trip time!
Bad: When Commander Bowman gets the main power back online, the wheels start spinning up again. Everything immediately falls to the floor, including her.
Good: Imagine you are inside a giant wheel floating in space. If there is no air inside the wheel, it can spin as fast as it wants and you will feel no force! As long as you don't touch the walls, the wheel cannot accelerate you. Now if you add air, the friction of the air against the walls will push on the air, spinning it along with the wheel. That air will push against the air just ``above'' it, and so on. If you are floating in the wheel, you will feel a breeze which will blow you toward the wall. Eventually, you'll hit the wall and roll along it until it spins you up to the same speed. Then you will feel something like normal gravity. I know, I know, this is weird and hard to picture. I had to sit and think about this for a while too, and the above explanation is what I came up with. I'm pretty sure it's correct, but I might be wrong. I've never been in an accelerating wheel in space before! [Note added December 13, 2000: a reader pointed out to me that the wheels were not just big cans, but divided into compartments. In the infamous shower scene early in the movie, Bowman and Gallagher are standing, so there was gravity: they must have been in the wheel. Yet he goes through a hatchway to get into and out of the room. This changes my imaginary experiment above. The wheel is divided into wedges like a pie, where the edges of the wedges are the walls of the rooms ( and the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true ;-). When the wheel starts spinning up after being stopped, you would see a wall coming at you, and then you would roll ``down'' it until you hit the floor. Nevertheless, in the movie when the wheel was started up everything fell instantly, which is still incorrect.]
Good: This is just good again: when they crash on the planet, one of the astronauts talks about the ``landing ellipse''. That was a nice detail. When you are crashing on a planet, there is more uncertainty in your position along the direction of travel then perpendicular to it. That stretches out the probable footprint of your descent, making it into an ellipse. That was a very nice touch.
Bad: After crashing, they have to walk a ways to get to the habitation module. Chantilas is dying, so they leave him behind.
Bad: When they get to the hab, they are shocked to see it has been destroyed.
Bad: As Gallagher is dying of hypoxia, he decides to quicken things up and opens his helmet. To his shock, he can breathe.
Bad: In an attempt to communicate with the orbiting mothership, they pull the modem from the Sojourner rover from Pathfinder and use it to radio for help.
Good: And it's actually worse than that. The rover radio had a very limited range, about 10-20 meters. It was only designed to communicate with the lander, which was why the rover never strayed far from the landing site. The original Pathfinder mission ended because the lander's battery finally failed; so even if the rover's radio worked, the lander wouldn't be able to relay the signal to Bowman in the orbiting Mars ship. Also, the rover radio wasn't designed to transmit voice; it had a limited capacity to send information. So even if Gallagher got the thing rigged up to use a microphone and found power for it, it would have stopped working when he walked more than a few meters away. I found this technical info about Mars Pathfinder at the Microrover Radio and Antennas website, part of the larger Mars Pathfinder website, which in turn is part of the much larger NASA Mars Exploration website. My thanks to Bad Reader Jason Slovacek for pointing this out to me.
Bad: Later, at night, Gallagher tries to get ahold of Bowman in the orbiting ship, but cannot reach her. He says ``She must still be on the dark side.''
Bad: The second-to-last survivor is attacked by the bugs. He lights a flare and sets off a huge blast of combustion, which can be seen from orbit by Bowman.
Good: But there's perhaps worse science here. It is a very common misconception that pure oxygen will burn very fast. That is not true. Something that normally burns will burn much better in the presence of a lot of O2. Pure O2 won't burn at all. So if the bugs themselves were flammable, then they would certainly burn a lot better as they release the oxygen inside them. However, I don't know how well a bug would really burn. I doubt they would burn well enough to cause such a huge conflagration. However, they are science fiction bugs, so maybe they make methane too. Still, that scene is pretty unlikely.
Bad: ![]()
Bad: Gallagher is able to reprogram the Kosmos probe using its display console.
Bad: After Gallagher blasts off the planet in Kosmos, Bowman grapples him. She orders the computer to reel her back in, and instantly they start back.
Bad: Last but not least: after performing CPR on Gallagher, the computer tells Bowman to "stand him up."
Good: Incidentally, it would have been hard for her to compress his chest in microgravity, of course. I made a note of this when I first saw the scene, then decided she must have braced herself with her feet and the director simply didn't show it. After all, they made a big point of this in the fire extinguisher scene... but the fact is, they didn't show it, so technically (and tentatively) I'll label it Bad Astronomy here too.
ConclusionsAs I said before, all these problems notwithstanding, I did like this movie. While not action packed, I liked the pacing and the thoughtfulness of it. There were a few plot devices: (1) the gamma flare (2) why didn't the military disable AMEE's military mode before giving it to civilians? and (3) the bugs making oxygen. However, this is a factor of ten fewer plot devices than in most movies.
LinksThere are a few other websites about the movie.