Comets emit X-rays, indicating they are not cold.
McCanney claims in that book (on page 1!) that he predicted that
comets would give off
X-rays, and also that the side of the comet facing the Sun would be
the source of these X-rays. This has to do with his claim that
comets are plasma balls, electrically coupled with the Sun.
Amazingly, years later, it was found that not only do comets give off X-rays,
but they comes from the sunward side! Could McCanney have been right?
Nope. Well, his prediction was correct, but for the wrong reason. For a
prediction to be counted as a success, it has to be exclusive; that is, no
other theory could account for it. The problem is, there are plenty of
ways a comet could give off X-rays, even though it's cold. For
one, comets get smacked by the high-energy particles from the Sun's solar wind.
Ice, when hit like that, fluoresces; that is, gives off light. At
those energies, the light given off is in the form of X-rays. So naturally,
the part of the comet facing the Sun is where the X-rays come from.
McCanney is very derisive in his book about this. He says:
"Let's get serious... x-rays coming from a docile little snow ball?"
But think about it: when you go to the dentist, she isn't heating
the X-ray machine to a million degrees to get it to give off X-rays!
Those machines work by accelerating electrons to high speeds and
slamming them into metals. When the electrons hit the metal, they slow down
and emit X-rays in the process. So there are other processes which
generate X-rays besides temperature, despite what he is saying there.
Ironically, his own process is not thermal either, so why is he so
derisive of cold comets giving off X-rays? Oh yeah: it's because he's wrong.
Comet tails cause drag, slowing a comet down and
circularizing their orbits.
This is another key part of his theory: since planets orbit the Sun in
fairly circular orbits, and comets tend to orbit in extremely elongated
ellipses, there must be some method to change a comet orbit into
a circle, since he says comets form planets.
To accomplish this he invents a force called "tail drag",
and goes through many gyrations to demonstrate it. However, I don't
need to go into any details debunking his details,
because as I already showed, the tail of a comet is from stuff coming
off the nucleus, not stuff coming in. Once the particle
leaves the nucleus and becomes part of the tail, it cannot affect the
nucleus. So there is no way his tail drag idea can work, because
his other ideas about comet tails are so wrong.
Not that this has stopped him from making silly claims using
this silly idea...
"Tail drag" changed the orbit of
comet Hale-Bopp in 1996
Hale-Bopp was a magnificent comet that became easy to see with the unaided
eye back in 1997. It was one of the most well-studied comets of all time.
It underwent something a little unusual, though: its orbital shape changed!
McCanney, of course, has an "explanation" of this:
tail drag (explained in the section above).
From McCanney's book "Planet-X, Comets & Earth Changes", page 52:
The huge comet Hale-Bopp had its orbit reduced
from 4200 years to 2650 years in one passage of the Sun. The dirty
snowball "jetting concept" could
not account for this amazing change in orbit.
Here, McCanney is being incredibly deceptive. The only
thing he says that's correct in that statement is that Hale-Bopp's orbit
did in fact change. But he is very misleading in the way he
says it. First, no credible
scientist claims that jets (literally, jets of matter
emitted from the comet as solid ice
warms up and turns to gas,
acting like a little rocket) are what reduced Hale-Bopp's orbit. He might
as well say the theory of genetics cannot explain the change either!
They simply
have nothing to do with each other.
Second, it had nothing to do with its passing the Sun. In fact, the change
occurred long before it was anywhere near the Sun, when it was
still way out in the solar system.
What did happen is
that in April 1996, the comet passed less than 72 million miles from Jupiter.
That may sound like a long way, but Jupiter is a really
massive planet. The long reach of mighty Jupiter's gravity is what bent
Hale-Bopp's orbit, not any magical tail drag as claimed by McCanney.
I found this out pretty easily, by doing something most pseudoscientists
never do: I asked someone. I posted the question to the
Minor Planets Mailing List, which is a mailing list comprised of
people who actually go out and do real astronomy (as opposed to
people like McCanney, who just make stuff up about it). I received a dozen
emails within minutes (!) letting me know what happened to Hale-Bopp
back in 1996. I then used some software to plot where Hale-Bopp was in
1996, and the answer was pretty clear: getting so close to Jupiter
bent the orbit of the comet, changing the period from more than 4000
years to less than 3000. Simple as that. McCanney is wrong again.
Meteorites formed under pressure
News flash! McCanney gets something right!
Too bad it's for the wrong reason.
On his internet broadcast on several ocassions (for example, on July 1, 2004),
he has claimed that mainstream science is wrong about comets because
the structure of meteorites clearly indicates they were formed under pressure.
But then he says this is all according to his theories. However (hold
on to your hats!) he is quite wrong, in both cases.

Meteorites are chunks of space debris that have hit the ground. When in space
they are called meteoroids, and while burning in our atmosphere they are
meteors. Some are metallic, some are stony. I happen to collect meteorites;
I have several metallic ones on my bookshelf (the picture
shows one of my specimens, actually). Some of these metallic
meteorites are quite beautiful. If you slice one and then etch it with a mild
acid, a gorgeous pattern can be seen, called a
Widmanstatten pattern. It's literally a crystal pattern formed
by the metal as it cooled. This indicates that the metal cooled very
slowly. Quick cooling obliterates the pattern.

A blob of molten metal a mile across would cool far too quickly
to make this pattern. Scientists think that metallic meteorites are actually
from the cores of large asteroids! If an asteroid gets big enough as it
forms, then the metals in it fall to the center because they are heavy. The
core becomes metallic. If the asteroid suffers a big collision, it can
shatter. These shards can then fall to Earth, and become the metallic
meteorites like the ones on my bookshelf.