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Solar Storms
There is a news feed that gets sent out over the internet via the newsgroups
on Usenet. This report about sunspots was sent over a science
PASADENA, Calif. (Reuters) -
Seemingly random power outages that have long perplexed
electric utility and telecommunications companies now appear
to be caused by bursts of magnetic power sent off
from the sun, a group of scientists said Thursday.
The so-called "solar storms" occure [sic] when black holes in
the sun explode, sending off enough of a current to disrupt the
earth's own magnetic field, according to the researchers at the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet
Propulstion [sic] Laboratory.
Somehow I doubt that JPL scientists would get sunspots and black holes
mixed up. If black holes were inside the Sun, and they were exploding,
we'd be hearing about it a lot more!