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The Bad Astronomy NewsletterIssue #12April 25, 2002 http://www.badastronomy.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/badastronomy
Bad Astronomy Newsletter #12 Contents:
1) Apologies for the silence First off, I am sorry there has not been a newsletter in over two weeks. I have been traveling extensively, both for work and to promote the book, and my internet connection has been spotty. However, I have good news about the "Bad Astronomy" book: it's gone into a second printing! Besides meaning it's selling well, it also means I was able to correct some nagging typos and errors. In a book like this, it's important to get even the small details down. For info about the book, go here.
2) Report from Pittsburgh and Nashville I just returned from a series of trips which included speaking about Bad Astronomy at the Buhl Planetarium at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the Sudekum Planetarium at the Cumberland Science Center in Nashville, Tennessee. I had a great time at both places, and found the staff to be warm, helpful and friendly. Both weekends were filled with fun, good conversation, and of course astronomy. Too bad it rained both times! Of course, there was certainly plenty to do and anyway it was a wonderful experience. Both centers are doing a great service by teaching the public about science in general and astronomy in particular. If you are ever in either city, stop on by and visit. The Sudekum Planetarium website. The Cumberland Science Center website. The Carnegie Science Center website.
3) TechTV appearance Friday A reminder: I'll be on the show "Call For Help" on TechTV on Friday April 26. The show starts at 2:00 a.m. Pacific time (5:00 p.m. Eastern) and I'll be on some 20 minutes into the show. I'll be talking about movies featuring fear of technology, and the scientific transgressions that occur therein. For more, go to the "Call for Help" website.
4) Astronomy Tidbit 1: Planetary alignment If you've looked west anytime in the past few days, you may have noticed an unusual congregation of bright "stars". Actually, they're planets, and the ones involved (from the horizon up) are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. Next month, the Moon will slide into view as well, making this a dramatic family portrait of the solar system. Astrologers are claiming this "alignment" will bring serenity and peace to many people. I certainly am peaceful and happy looking at the planets, but not for the reason those quacks -- I'm sorry, "astrologers" -- mean. I think the planets are just pretty. A couple of years ago, some people thought a similar alignment would destroy the Earth. It shouldn't surprise you to learn they were wrong. Read all about it. To see more about this current confluence, try the Heavens Above website, or the Sky and Telescope magazine website, or the Astronomy Magazine website.
5) Astronomy Tidbit 2: Hubble images to be released April 30 I just received a press release saying that images from the new Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard Hubble will be released in a press conference on Tuesday, April 30. A press conference will be broadcast on NASA TV and the images will no doubt be gracing newspapers, magazines and websites soon thereafter. I have heard through the grapevine that the pictures are amazing, and I am sure they will live up to expectations! You can watch NASA TV online, and see the images online (once they are released) at: http://oposite.stsci.edu/.
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Phil Plait