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Q&A from 2000
Here are the questions and answers I have from 2000.
Why does comet dust get spread out along its orbit?
If hubble was pointed at earth, what could it resolve? is it too bright?
How does a black hole slowly radiate away?
If a Lagrange point was occupied, would
its counterpart need occupation too?
Mars projects of NASA
Infinite number of universes after the big
Why isn't the ecliptic in the same plane
as the Milky Way galactic disk?
What would life be like on a planet near/in
the center of our galaxy?
How can I test what affect planetary
conjunction is having on earth?
Sunbeams show aparent sun position as aprox 2x
cloud hight, Why?
What is the primary difference between a nova
and a supernova?
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Q&A 2000